No One Loves Me

No one loves me,

And I honestly think no one ever will.

I can’t keep telling myself this,

But I can’t stop either.

I can’t tell myself that it will be okay, that

That tomorrow will be different

When tomorrow never is.

I can’t pretend someone loves me

Because it only hurts more

When reality sets in

And I have to face the truth.

No one loves me,

And I can’t change that.

I can’t ask someone to love me

When I know the answer already.

Why set myself up for failure.

If someone loves me,

They would have told me by now,

And I wouldn’t have to spend

Another night alone,

Crying into my pillow

Hoping my heart will stop

So that the tears finally end.

7 thoughts on “No One Loves Me

  1. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to tell someone that they love you. Be the good person who is lovable and have patience. Your patience and belief in love will be rewarded.

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