Invincible Hearts

Things used to be

as simple as

telling someone

you liked them

on the playground

and they would say

they liked you too.


Instant relationship.

Being an adult

is so much harder.

There’s many factors

to consider,

people’s feelings

to interpret,

and endless actions

to overthink about.

When did things

get so complicated?

Can’t we go back to

when life was simple

and our hearts were


Red Light

Loving you feels like I am

waiting at a red light

at the top of a big hill,

putting all my strength

into pressing my break pedal

into the floor board

to stop myself from rolling

forward, even the tiniest bit

because I know that as soon

as I start rolling,

I’ll have so much momentum

I won’t be able to stop

and if I am going to go

racing full speed ahead

into my feelings for you,

I want to know that I’m

not going to crash and burn

once I reach the bottom.

Teacher Appreciation Day

Right now,

there is a little boy

sitting on a bus

with flowers in his hand,

bouncing up and down,

excited to give them to

his favorite teacher

in the whole wide world

when he gets to school.

But it won’t be me.

Because I’m not there.

He’ll wonder where I am

and his excitement will die

and it will wither down

just like the flowers

he places on my desk

because I can’t go get them.

and that breaks my heart.

Right now,

there’s a little girl

holding on to a bag

with a mug she picked out

and a card with her name

that she has been working

hard to learn to write

by herself all year,

eager to give it to

the teacher that makes

her smile and laugh all day

but it won’t be me

because I’m not there.

She’ll wonder where I am

and why I’m not with her

to make her smile

and to laugh all day.

And that breaks my heart.

It Should Be You

It should be you

walking in my door,

eyes lighting up

when they set on me.

It should be you

kissing my forehead,

calling me a cutie,

making me smile.

It should be you

with your arm around me,

pulling me into you

as we snuggle on my couch.

It should be you

running your fingers

through my hair with

my head on your lap.

It should be you

looking into my eyes,

making my heart race,

giving me butterflies.

It should be you…

It should be you.