Look in the Mirror

Look in the mirror

and what do I see?

All the reasons

no one will ever

want to love me.

My chin is round.

My face is lumpy.

My fat rolls make

me far to bumpy.

My lips are chap.

My teeth are not straight.

Is it really a wonder

I’ll never find a date?

My image is too wide.

My arms have fat that flaps.

I waddle, not walk,

each step my thigh claps.

My stomach is attrocious.

My legs have no appeal.

I’m going to die alone.

I’m only being real.


Why Aren’t I Enough?

Why aren’t I enough?

Is it because I don’t smile enough?

Is it because I have a weird laugh?

IS it because I haven’t shown

that I am loyal enough?

Is it because I have a face

too ugly for a mother to love?

Or is it because I’m fat

and not beautiful enough

to ever be worth a dime?

Is it because I am worthless?

Is it because I get too drunk?

Is it because deep down

you know what I know

that I’ll never be enough?


The Things You Never Noticed

The things you never noticed about me

during the “8” hours you used to see me

every single day at work:

-I pack the same meal for lunch every day

because that’s what the food bank gave me.

-I also stick around an extra hour after work

so it’s one less hour I have to be home.

-I don’t speak up for myself because

I’m used to punishment if I do.

– I never talk about my home life

because honestly? It isn’t great.

-Yes, I still live at home, you know

because I can’t leave.

Financially? Maybe I could escape

but I’ll never be free of him.



I don’t blame you for never noticing.

I never wanted to show this part of me

Because at work, I am happy and safe.

I wish it had stayed that way


Dear Boss

Dear boss,

I care so much for these kids,

they’re my number one priority.

They’re all our number one priorities.

I worry about them day and night,

as I am sure you do too,

but now that the dust has settled,

I have to ask (and it kills me) but

what about me?

We’re worry about the kids at home

who won’t have enough food

or be guaranteed their meals.

But what about me?

We worry about the kids at home

who need help and support

who just aren’t getting it now.

But what about me?

We worry about the kiddos at home

who have stressful circumstances

that mean success is unlikely,

but what about me?

We worry about the kids at home

who might be abused or unsafe

without trusted adults there.

But what about me?

I am a selfless person

so it pains me to be egocentric,

but we’ve done all these things

to make sure our kiddos are okay,

but what about me?

Because I’m not.


Your Employee.





Wine is the Best Boyfriend.

Wine is the best boyfriend.

It’s always there for you.

It puts a smile on your face.

It gets you all giddy.

It gives you a warm tingle.

It makes you laugh.

It’s supportive.

It wants to kiss your lips.

Has the ability to turn you on.

It can be sweet sometimes.

Always there for special occasions.

It will never leave you.


Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk