Girls Like You

It must be nice to be you.

Girls like you that look like that-

tiny, thin, attractive.

What society wants girls to look like.

It must be nice to be able

to talk about your weight

and weight loss with ease

in public settings like the pool.

But it’s not for me.

I know everyone has their struggles,

and a different mountain to climb,

but when you sit 5 feet from me

and complain about going from

104 pounds to 110,

and calling yourself fat,

it kills me inside.

You are so thin.

You re so confident.

You are so beautiful.

I would give almost anything

to deal with your dilemma.

Because as you stated,

girls our height are supposed to weigh

one hundred forty pounds max.

You may be far beneath that,

but I am far above that

and hearing you flaunt this fact

while I am in earshot

right after I just worked my ass off

discourages me.

I wish I could flaunt confidence

the way you can flaunt your stomach,

but I can’t. I’m insecure.

And my progress is slow

and a long journey awaits me.

But please, just please

let me feel comfortable

and supported

and empowered to take it.

Don’t slow me down.

I have an extra 100 pounds

to do that for me.



I feel like I’m suffocating.

I go through the motions every day

to live the life that is expected up me

but more often than not

I feel like I’m trapped in a life

that belongs to someone else.

I feel as though I am not my own person.

I am just the person everyone else

wants me to be. And I hate it.

I hate who I am, how I look.

I hate my backstory.

I have more regrets than I

could shake all the sticks in the world at.

I can’t change the things about me

to even try to live the life I want

so I keep on living the one I’ve got.

But why?

It’s pointless.

I’m not going anywhere.

Why bother even trying anymore?

Days Like Today

On days like today,

it would be so easy

to do something as simple

as go for a drive

on the slick, white roads

and maybe go a little

faster than the speed limit

and lose the little control

I have in my life.


On days like today

it would be so easy

to just give in;

to just let go

and give up;

to fall off course

and have an accident…

or what looks like one.

What’s one more mistake?


I’m very much like Tinkerbell.

I need attention or I’ll die.

Preferably positive.

OR at the very least to feel

like everyone important

in my small circle of loved ones

isn’t ignoring me.

I’m not asking for a party

or even to meet up.

Just a simple text

asking about my day

or to see if I’m okay…

because I’m not.

That Look

What are you thinking

behind those devilish eyes?

Maybe I’ll never know really,

but that doesn’t mean that I won’t try.

Are you thinking about me?

Is that why you smile?

Or is it someone else?

Maybe you’re just hungry

and want a burger.

Heck if I know.

Did you just raise an eyebrow?

Are you waiting for me?

Are you trying to ask me

without using a single word?

or are you wondering

about something else entirely

like if you looked the door

or remembered to pay your bills.

Maybe I’ll never know.

Maybe that look will

haunt me for the rest of time.

The mind is a tricky thing

and I will never know for sure.



I Shouldn’t Rock the Boat

Sometimes I think about the poems

that I really want to post but can’t.

Instead, I save them in a file

on my computer waiting

for the right time

when they will truly be appreciated.

They could be truly amazing,

and highly successful, but…

I have to hold back.

Sometimes making waves in the world

can lead to many good things

but this is just one time where

I shouldn’t rock the boat.