The Hole in My Heart

There are days when I’ll just be

walking, driving, minding my business

when I feel the hole in my heart

scream at me for attention.

It feels like a bullet burst through my chest,

ripping my insides to shreds,

leaving me barely holding on

but only I know that this massive hole

that feels all consuming

and leaves me doubled over in pain

is only the size of an orange seed

and that’s all it will ever be.

Never bigger. Never smaller.

Not able to grow any longer

just like you.

Only Been a Week

Has it really only been a week?

How can I miss you so much?

You were never even mine to miss.

The guilt eats me alive daily

for thinking about how right now

you’re out living your best life

and I selfishly wish that you

were here with me instead.

What is wrong with me?

I have no reason to feel this way.

I know I shouldn’t anymore…

but I can’t help but think of you.